
Colors Outside the HHS Brand Palette
Colors that aren’t part of the brand palette (such as pink, purple and orange) may be used sparingly to connect materials to national observances that have an associated color (purple for Alzheimer’s awareness). Any exception must be approved by the HHSC Office of Communications or the DSHS Office of Communications.

For color usage in web applications, refer to the web developer color section.

Color Palette for the HHS Brand

The HHS Champion color palette draws on the strength of blue, red and yellow. They are the cornerstones of color, and the only hues that cannot be created by mixing other colors together.

Primary Brand Colors

Blue — Using blues as the dominant color, HHS presents itself as trustworthy, intelligent and an authority figure. Blue is the main color of HHS and has many shades to pull from to create visually interesting content.

White — The proper use of white, or clear space, is important in design as it helps organize information and improves readability.

Secondary Brand Colors

These colors are used with the primary colors, but in lesser amounts, as an accent or to highlight important information.

Yellow — As the color of optimism and enlightenment, yellow is a good contrast to blue. Used sparingly, it quickly draws the customer’s attention to important information or actionable items.

Red — An intense color, red is known as a color of caution and warning, as well as enthusiasm and energy. It should be used sparingly.

Tertiary Brand Colors

These colors are sometimes used with the primary colors when a design doesn’t need to be as heavily branded. They include darker and brighter shades of yellow and red. A blend of blue and yellow is also available as shades of green.

Color Pantone CMYK RGB Hex
Logo Blue Pantone 287 C 100, 87, 21, 12 0, 48, 135 003087
Logo Red Pantone 7621 C 20, 100, 95, 12 171, 35, 40 ab2328
Logo Gold Pantone 7551 C 15, 40, 96, 22 180, 126, 0 b47e00

Essential Color Palette

Color Pantone CMYK RGB Hex
Primary Blue Pantone 300 C 100, 62, 7, 0 0, 92, 185 005cb9
Logo Blue Pantone 287 C 100, 87, 21, 12 0, 48, 135 003087
White N/A 0, 0, 0, 0 255, 255, 255 ffffff
Secondary: Frequently used with the primary palette colors, but in lesser amounts.
Color Pantone CMYK RGB Hex
Secondary Blue 1 Pantone 284 C 54, 22, 0, 0 109, 171, 228 6dabe4
Secondary Blue 2 Pantone 306 C 80, 4, 5, 0 0, 179, 227 00b3e3
Secondary Yellow Pantone 7548 C 0, 24, 100, 0 255, 198, 0 ffc800
Logo Red Pantone 7621 C 20, 100, 95, 12 171, 35, 40 ab2328
Tertiary: Sometimes used with the primary palette colors, but in lesser amounts.
Color Pantone CMYK RGB Hex
Logo Gold Pantone 7551 C 15, 40, 96, 22 180, 126, 0 b47e00
Tertiary Gray Pantone 7545 C 74, 50, 31, 36 66, 85, 99 425563
Tertiary Maroon Pantone 7421 C 7, 100, 35, 64 101, 28, 50 651c32
Tertiary Red Pantone 1795 C 0, 96, 82, 1 210, 39, 48 d22730
Tertiary Teal Pantone 3272 C 100, 0, 51, 0 0, 164, 153 00a499
Tertiary Green Pantone 360 C 59, 0, 90, 0 108, 194, 74 6cc24a