23-1, Miscellaneous Changes

Revision 23-1; Effective March 31, 2023 

The following change(s) were made:

4100Eligibility and Assessment of Copay  and FeesUpdates form names.
4300Procedures and Terminology When Determining Epilepsy EligibilityUpdates form names.
AppendicesAppendicesUpdates Appendix I title.
Appendix IAppendix I, Epilepsy Program Definition of IncomeRevises appendix title.
Appendix IIAppendix II, Optional Copay Table Based on Monthly Federal Poverty Level (FPL)Revises appendix title and updates Fiscal Year 2023 Worksheet to reflect FPL changes.
FormsFormsUpdates forms. Replaces Form 3029 with Form 3094.
EEPM Contact UsEPPM Contact UsUpdates program email.