5.7.2 Supporting Documentation

(Added 09/15)

A voucher recipient can exchange his or her issued voucher in person or by mail.
When a voucher recipient exchanges an issued voucher to purchase approved specialized telecommunications equipment or services from a STAP vendor in person, the STAP vendor must provide the following supporting documentation to the HHSC DHHS/STAP Administrative Support contractor to receive reimbursement:

  • copy of the voucher, with Section 2 of the voucher completed and signed by an individual who the STAP vendor authorizes to exchange and sign vouchers to certify that:
    • the specialized telecommunications equipment or service has been delivered to the voucher recipient; and
    • the specialized telecommunications equipment or service was new when delivered and was not used, re-conditioned, or obsolete; and
  • receipt that describes the specialized telecommunications equipment or service exchanged for the voucher and includes the total price charged to the voucher recipient, including the amount to be reimbursed by HHSC DHHS/STAP Administrative Support contractor from the Texas Universal Service Fund (TUSF) for the specialized telecommunications equipment or service exchanged.

When a voucher recipient exchanges an issued voucher with a STAP vendor for the purchase of approved specialized telecommunications equipment or services by mail, the STAP vendor must provide the following supporting documentation to the HHSC DHHS/STAP Administrative Support contractor to receive reimbursement:

  • proof of delivery of the specialized telecommunications equipment or service to the voucher recipient; and
  • a receipt that describes the specialized telecommunications equipment or service exchanged by mail for the voucher and includes the total price charged to the voucher recipient, including the amount to be reimbursed by the HHSC DHHS/STAP Administrative Support contractor from the TUSF for the specialized telecommunications equipment or service exchanged.